Monday, November 5, 2007

"Blue Guy vs Red Guy" (Animation)

Here's a fun animation by wgadear (William Gadea/Homebaked Films):


Thursday, October 18, 2007

A Mother Deer Nurses her Fawn

Usually it takes some work for me to come up with an idea for a video. For this one, the material literally walked right into my backyard. I put some effort into writing the soundtrack, but the only way the visual portion could have been any easier would have been if a third deer had shown up and offered to work the camera:


Monday, October 15, 2007

Sendal Showreel (July 2007)

Here's a little gem from sendalonline. It's a pretty wild combination of video, special effects, and animation, and music:


Saturday, October 13, 2007

Serenity Two News

If you liked the movie Serenity and are hoping for a sequel, you might find this report from MegansMovieNews interesting:


Monday, September 24, 2007

"Bye-Bye!" (animation)

Here's a neat little animation from Mario Pochat entitled "Bye-Bye!":


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Domona Lisa

Flippycat Domino combines 4519 dominos, a cat , and some electronic/jazzy music in a unique video entitled "Domona Lisa":


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Space Scenes, Synth Music, and More

Here's an interesting music/animation video entitled "Order and Chaos in Our Galaxy" with synth music from Homeless Balloon's new CD "Travel in Silence".

related website: *

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

SIGGRAPH 2007 Computer Animation Festival

If you're like me, you may find yourself rewinding a few frames to view some of the animations more than once in this video posted by SIGGRAPH2007. Good stuff!


Sunday, August 19, 2007

"When Cats Hunt Ants"

Here's a short music video I built around some accelerated footage I shot of a cat pursuing an ant:


Thursday, August 16, 2007

100 Years Ago - "The Roller Skate Craze"

Back in August of 1907, film Pioneer William Selig released a short (and silent) film entitled "The Roller Skate Craze". As United States copyright on the film has since expired, it's in the public domain now. I recently took a crack at adding some appropriate music and sound effects. The video below is the result:

People skating and falling down on film ... 100 years later and still funny :) *

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Site of the Day:

I recently signed up with the site According to the site's "about" page, Mefeedia describes itself as "an aggregator, a video feedreader. It is a place to watch videobloggers". That's all true, but it doesn't begin to do the site justice.

If you produce videos and/or a video blog, Mefeedia is a great place to gain exposure. Like many good video sharing sites, they claim no ownership in your content, don't mess with any ads you've embedded in your videos, and provide you with a large and growing audience. Beyond that, there are some things that really set them apart from the crowd:

(1) Rather than having to manually submit your videos to Mefeedia one at a time, you can submit "feeds" (such as Revver collections) and presto! Mefeedia grabs the information just as if you'd gone and submitted all of the individual videos in the feed. Mefeedia grabs updates from the feed when you add new videos to it without any additional effort on your part (typically within a day or so).

(2) They seem to have a great community of video creators/bloggers. I've only been there a couple of days, and I already feel right at home.

(3) Their terms of service page is legible, seems fair and comprehensible to me, and is short enough that you can read the whole thing without even having to scroll down! I get the feeling that they actually designed the site with their users in mind :)

If you watch videos, Mefeedia lets you ad feeds to your "channel", so that the stuff you want gets aggregated in one place. They also have a nice feature called "guides" which aggregate recommended video and audio feeds in one place. As of this writing they have almost 300 guides for almost 1800 video feeds. So if you're looking for a particular category, there's a good chance that someone has done some of the leg work for you. On the other hand, if you want to share your tastes or expertise with the community, you can also create your own guides, as many as you wish.

There are other features at the site that I have not had time to explore, but based on what I've seen so far, I definitely plan to look into them :) *

Friday, August 10, 2007

Spinning Silver Sphere

Here's my latest video, another animation for which I generated the frames with POVRay:

Basically the idea is that this spinning sphere (hence the title) is moving through a futuristic city towards a tower where ... well, you'll have to watch it to find out what happens there :)

I rewrote the music several times. I was pretty happy with the beginning and end right off the bat, but I struggled a bit with the middle part, trying to have it sync with what's going on visually, while still having a degree of consistency. *

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Birth of a Video Blog

Welcome to Ted's Video Blog. This blog (obviously) is about video. To be more specific, it's about user-generated videos, mine and those of a few select others. I'll be focusing on the clean stuff. If you're more interested in watching something seamy or depraved, there are plenty of other sites dealing with that sort of thing.

Note as of 11/19/2012: I had a paragraph here that explained how I would be focusing on videos hosted at Revver, but since Revver has been down for many months (and had some real problems for some time even prior to that), that focus is no longer present - I've deleted or replaced most of my Revver links and, embeds.  Any that remain are purely accidental :)

But enough of my rambling. Here's the very first video I posted, entitled "Synth Skater":

It's nothing too fancy, just an animation of an ice skater I created and combined with some synth music I composed/mixed into a short video. If you're interested, I have a little more information on how it was created here. *