Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Well Done Teaser Animation

Here's a very professional animation with the somewhat long-winded title of "Celebrate the Good News God's Word Christian Children's Animation". It's really just a short animated sequence to get you to come to the web site but I found the visual and audio quality extremely good:

related web site: http://theocartoons.com/who-is-theo/ *

Friday, December 26, 2008

"Hold The Mustard "

Here's a great 2d animation from Vancouver Film School student Tammy Dubinsky. It reminds me a lot of the old Pink Panther cartoons:

related web site: http://www.vfs.com/ *

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Humpty Dumpty and the Candlestick

The fourth video in my series featuring the famous egg:

related web page: http://videos.viewmyart.com/video-humpty-dumpty-candlestick.htm *

Thursday, December 18, 2008

"The Switch - Vancouver Film School (VFS)"

Need a break from Christmas videos? Here's an amusing animation from the talented mind of Vancouver Film School student Zack Mathew:

related web site: http://www.vfs.com/ *

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Jingle Bells (Using Only SuperNotes) Collab

Rhett and Link, put together this highly unusual vocal/instrumental version of the classic Jingle Bells:

related web site: http://rhettandlink.com/supernote/ *

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

HappySlip Jingle

Here from a Christmas past (2007) is comedian Happy Slip's unique jingle:

related web site: http://happyslip.com/ *

Friday, December 5, 2008

"Spread Joy"

With a positive message, great music by Mike Strickland, and skillful animation by Dustin Haynes, I have to give this music video high marks:

related web site:http://www.mikestrickland.com/ *

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Robot Character/Animation - Two Videos

Here are a couple of videos from YouTube member UberAnimator dealing with the animation and coloring of robot characters:

Animating And Colorizing Robotic Character

Robotic Character Walk Cycle


Thursday, October 30, 2008

"A Scary Walk through the Woods"

Just in time for Halloween, it's a mildly scary music video I made with POV-Ray.

A Scary Walk through the Woods

Related Web Page: http://videos.viewmyart.com/video-scary-walk-through-the-woods.htm *

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

"Anomalous Incident" (sci-fi Music video)

I based this one loosely on the idea of an unknown alien entity visiting a remote orbiting power station (perhaps attracted by the power output). This is the first video for which I've used POVRay's radiosity feature:

related web page:  http://videos.viewmyart.com/video-Anomalous-Incident.htm *

Thursday, September 18, 2008

"Spectacular Fireworks - Thames Festival London 2008"

I have to agree with the title. The fireworks in this video by YouTube member gauravcreation are, indeed, very impressive:


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

"Robotic Mutation"

Here's an experimental animation from back in 2004 by YouTube member cyriak. Cyriak describes the video as "my animation degree film". I'd certainly give it an "A", both for the visual elements and the well-matched sound track:

related website: http://www.cyriak.co.uk/ *

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

S3 vs the Mad Scientist's Robot (Animation)

Well, it took a while to make, but here's my latest video, featuring a heroic little spherical robot battling a much larger opponent, set to synth/percussion music. I hope you like it:

Related web page: http://videos.viewmyart.com/video_S3vsTheMadScientistsRobot.htm *

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Toon Life (Playing to the Crowd)

This is a "new and improved" version of the classic cartoon by Wes Abrams (animation) and Gary Baxter (script). I think the series has a lot of potential:

If you'd like to see how the style has changed, there's an entry in the ToonLifeOnline Blog here.

Related web site: http://www.youtube.com/user/toonlifeonline *

Monday, August 4, 2008

A cute 2d animation from a couple of years ago

I enjoyed this animation posted by ToonTube member Polux1923 entitled Petro Glifo and the Flower. The catchy little tune and sound effects accompanying it match the visual elements very nicely too:


Thursday, July 31, 2008

Unstung (Animated Parody of "Unforgiven")

You'll probably be better able to appreciate this video if who've seen the 1992 Clint Eastwood movie Unforgiven, as Unstung is a parody of the final gunfight scene therein and the conversation immediately following it. It might also have some added appeal for those if you who just don't like hornets, yellow jackets, or bugs in general. Anyway, here's Unstung:

If you're interested, some more info on the video and how I made it is available here. *

Monday, July 14, 2008

"Doodlez" Animations

Here are a couple of unique animated cartoons from doodlez:

Doodlez - The Littlest Hero

Dood Mclood (This one reminds me a little of the old "Dudley Do-Right" cartoons):

You can see and read more at the official Doodlez site: http://www.doodlez.tv *

Friday, July 11, 2008

Humpty Dumpty Animations

Humpty Dumpty Danced on a Disk is my third and latest episode in the animated Humpty Dumpty series:

Here is the second most recent, Humpty Dumpty Climbs a Hill:

And here is the first episode, Humpty Dumpty and the Tramp:


Monday, July 7, 2008

Adventures of Stickman (first 4 episodes)

Drawing (and animating) stick figures is a time-honored art. Here are the first episodes of Wes Abrams own unique contributions to the genre. I think Episodes 1 and 2 have their charm, but it's in episodes 3 and 4 with the introduction of Stickchick that the story really takes off :)

In addition to Stickman, Wes Abrams also has several other animated series, an animation community site, a blog, and other animation-related items, all of which can be accessed from his site, ToonLifeOnLine.com *

Friday, July 4, 2008

Table Kid Kirby - Part 5: Table Escape

This is the concluding episode of the superb stopmotion series by Paul Whittington aka Carrotkid. If you missed any episodes, here are links to my posts containing parts 1 and 2 and parts 3 and 4. I loved the way in which he chose to end the series (but I won't say anything more so as not to give it away :)

More films by Carrotkid/Paul Whittington and his work are available for viewing on his website. You can also get some information on about what he's working on from his blog.

The ToonLifeOnline Blog also has an excellent interview with him here. *

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Clay Clayman for President, Episode 2

The story of the little-known third party candidate for President continues:


Sunday, June 29, 2008

A couple of raytraced music videos

Each features graphics created in POVRay. The first one, by FinHit is entitled Dawn of Ray:

And here's my latest, a sci-fi mood piece entitled Abandoned Outpost:

If you're interested, I have a little more information about it here *

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Thieving Squirrel Steals Bird Food

He knew I was videotaping him too, but it didn't seem to phase him:


Monday, June 9, 2008

"Blind Date"

If you're looking for two minutes or so of amusing animation reminiscent of some the classic cartoons of years ago, this film, created by Vancouver Film School student Dave Wesch is a good place to start. Here is Blind Date:


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Two More Table Kid Kirby Videos

Two more skillfully animated episodes by Carrotkid (Canadian filmmaker Paul Whittington) continue the saga of Table Kid Kirby, a little clay man exploring a sometimes frightening big world:

part 3 (The Other):

part 4 (Darkness):


Monday, May 12, 2008

"Clay Clayman for President!"

Not happy with any of the three leading presidential candidates? I've created an alternative for you, although in addition to the difficulties facing any third party candidate, he does have to overcome the problem of being a fictional character :)


Friday, April 4, 2008

"Fabulas:El Sol y el Viento"

Here, from widam, is a cute animation of the classic contest between the sun and the wind to see who can get the man to take off his hat or jacket. The dialogue is in Spanish (which I don't speak), but it's not too hard to get the gist of what's happening:


Friday, March 21, 2008

Table Kid Kirby (claymation)

Here are the first two installments in the classic "Table Kid Kirby" series created some time ago by Carrotkid (aka Canadian filmmaker Paul Whittington). The stopmotion animation is very well done. Having spent hours creating some much shorter clay animations myself, I would imagine it must have taken Carrotkid a long time indeed to create this series. In addition to the visual appeal, there's a bit of mystery as well as some parody (intentional I think) of the Phantasm movies, especially in the second video:

part 1 (Magic Mirror):

Part 2 (Realm of the Spiral Sky):
