Saturday, August 4, 2007

Birth of a Video Blog

Welcome to Ted's Video Blog. This blog (obviously) is about video. To be more specific, it's about user-generated videos, mine and those of a few select others. I'll be focusing on the clean stuff. If you're more interested in watching something seamy or depraved, there are plenty of other sites dealing with that sort of thing.

Note as of 11/19/2012: I had a paragraph here that explained how I would be focusing on videos hosted at Revver, but since Revver has been down for many months (and had some real problems for some time even prior to that), that focus is no longer present - I've deleted or replaced most of my Revver links and, embeds.  Any that remain are purely accidental :)

But enough of my rambling. Here's the very first video I posted, entitled "Synth Skater":

It's nothing too fancy, just an animation of an ice skater I created and combined with some synth music I composed/mixed into a short video. If you're interested, I have a little more information on how it was created here. *

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